Currently, Stevens PUD owns and operates 18 water systems.
Click here to read the PUD's Rules and Policies.
To find out more about the water system for your community, click the LOCATIONS link on the menu to the left.
Water Locations:
If you have turned off all your water and the small indicator in the middle of your meter is spinning,
you probably have a leak.
In our four lake community systems,
we can turn off your water each fall and back on each spring if you will
not be using water during the winter. Download the Auto On/Off Program Form to
view the available dates.
If you live in one of these areas and would like to be on our automatic
turn off / turn on service, please download this form, fill it out and
return it to our office. You will remain on the list year after year until you tell us to take you off or request the water
on or off outside of the auto on/off service dates.
Every year, we produce our Water Quality Reports.
Click here to select and view the Water Quality Report for your area.
LEAD AND COPPER SERVICE LINE INVENTORY The District found no evidence of lead service line material within the service area. For additional information on the completed survey please contact our office.